Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: situating postsecularism
  • Postsecularism and aesthetics: Michael Ondaatje's The English patient
  • Minority's Christianity: Allan Sealy's The Everest Hotel
  • Postsecularism and violence: Michael Ondaatje's Anil's ghost
  • If truth were a Sikh woman: Shauna Singh Baldwin's What the body remembers
  • Postsecularism and prophecy: Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses
  • Art after the fatwa: Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the sea of stories, The Moor's last sigh, Shalimar the clown, and The enchantress of Florence
  • The known and the unknowable: Amitav Ghosh's The hungry tide and Mahasweta Devi's "Pterodactyl, puran sahay, and pirtha"
  • Coda.