China 2030 : building a modern, harmonious, and creative high-income society / World Bank

This report examines whether China's economy can continue to grow to become the world's largest economy, even if its current growth rate slows, and whether it can maintain rapid growth with little disruption to the world, the environment and its own culture.

Otros autores: World Bank (Washington)
Formato: eBook
Publicación: Washington : World Bank, 2013
Descripción física: 1 recurso en línea ( 473 p.) (33.11 mb)
Clasificación CDU: 330.34 (51)
Tipo de contenido: Texto (visual)
Tipo de medio: electrónico
Tipo de soporte: recurso en línea
Nota: Fecha del documento: 23 de marzo 2013
Sumario: This report examines whether China's economy can continue to grow to become the world's largest economy, even if its current growth rate slows, and whether it can maintain rapid growth with little disruption to the world, the environment and its own culture.
Detalles del sistema: Word wide web
ISBN: 9780821395455


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