For Christ assembled [Grabación sonora] : the Church's Ecumenical Councils / Fr. John W. O'Malley ; Now You Know Media, Inc

Autor principal: O'Malley, John W. (S.I.) (1927-2022)
Otros autores: Now You Know Media
Formato: Electrónico
Publicación: [Rockville MD] : Now You Know Media, cop. 2008-2009
Descripción física: 4 discos de audio (CD) : digital ; 14 cm 1 guía escrita en CD
Clasificación CDU: 270.03
Contenido: Disco 1. Councils : what, why, and so what? ; Emperors, bishops, and basic beliefs ; Turmoil and tidying up -- Disco 2. The Councils move West ; Setting the great sollution [sic] ; Popes and councils in conflict -- Disco 3. The Council of Trent : toil and trouble ; Trent : Good or bad? ; A Papal triumph : Vatican I -- Disco 4. Vatican II : Pope John's Council ; Conflicts and crises at Vatican II ; What happened at Vatican II -- Disco [5]. Written guide on CD.
ISBN: 1-800-955-3904

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